WE need you to stand with us for LIFE!
California ProLife has remained a clear, consistent voice providing accurate information, supporting crucial legislation and keeping California citizens — and lawmakers — informed on critical life issues for more than 40 years. Our website offers some of the many projects, events, and tools available to Californians by region and statewide.
Will you join us? We need your help, your compassion, and your generous contributions. It takes commitment not only to believe in the right to life, but to financially support it, too. Please work with us to make the future safe — for everyone. Your help at this time is greatly appreciated.
California ProLife Council is the California affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee, the National team of 50 state organizations - in each and every state - working together with our national headquarters to help restore the Right to Life to our nation's laws and values. California is one of the greatest challenges in this nationwide fight! And it is your help that keeps us going.
California ProLife is unique in other ways:
- Our 501c3 is extraordinary in that we have cultural and educational outreaches statewide: workshops, radio programming, oratory contests, and several dynamic projects impacting Hollywood, where we sponsor the Life Fest Film Festival, as well as networking opportunities for those who everyday truly impact our culture through the communications and visual arts.
- We also have a 501c4 organization dedicated to changing the laws. this means that we monitor legislation in both Sacramento and Washington D.C. and bring you timely updates on how to have your voice heard.
- CPLC remains attentive to all aspects of the law, and supports litigation efforts to overturn bad laws and support good ones. We routinely file Friend of the Court briefs in important pending legal cases.
- Supporting GOOD candidates. In America, If you can't change the laws, then you need to change lawmakers. CPLC is unique in that we maintain separate segregated funds - PAC's - to encourage support for good lawmakers on both the state and federal level.
This particular on-line fundraiser goes only to benefit our educational efforts, so every donation is tax-deductible and will be used specifically to help get the message of life out to those who need to understand why we stand for the vulnerable innocent.
Thank you for your kind support! You truly are a life saver!
"California ProLife is the clear and reasoned voice for Life in Sacramento. Thank you for being there." Senator Joel Anderson
"Brian Johnston (California ProLife Chairman) brings powerful insights into the real nature of the right-to-life struggle, we are deeply indebted to his inspiring writing and encouragement." Pastor Alan Rose