Life Matters is dedicated to the uniqueness of each and every life. It is changing the culture!
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The nation's most listened to full-length program dedicated to the right to Life, Life Matters is a half-hour, deep dive into the real significance and meaning of the incredible cultural dilemma now facing Western Civilization. (Some stations are now a one hour program!)
Help us meet our goals as we expand! We are 'filling in' the many pockets of California where we are not yet heard, and now have been given incredible opportunities nationally and internationally!
What people are saying:
"Eye-opening and undeniably important."
— Michael Medved, Radio Host and Author, Seattle, WA
"Commissioner Brian Johnston is one of the foremost authorities on the Right to Life and issues surrounding it. He speaks from many years of experience in the political and cultural arena, and is always an insightful voice."
— Lawrence Lehr, Santa Rosa, CA
"Brian Johnston has a way of powerfully focusing on the important details of news and the culture. He cuts through the fog!
— Sylvia Edwards ~ St. Louis, MO
"We have worked closely with Brian Johnston for almost 30 years, and have come to respect his ability to keep people focused on the foundational principles of our culture, especially the restoration of the right to life."
— Dave & Sara Blicharz ~ Stockton, CA
"Commissioner Johnston is an incredibly practical and incisive advocate for the Right to Life. He goes beyond emotion and opinion and gets to the real universal truths that are at stake. His presentations are riveting.
— Pastor Michael Williams
"Reminiscent of C.S. Lewis, he takes important principles of truth and makes them enjoyably accessible. Erudite, but very down-to-earth."
__ Roger Stanstead, Omaha, NE
"We use Life Matters as a regular part of our home-school curriculum."
The Harper Family, Bend, OR
ABOUT Life Matters:
The self-evident truth of the 'right to Life' has been the foundation of all our other freedoms. But it is also a truth that applies specifically to you! You are unique. You have a purpose and identity that matters. And we need you to saddle up and embrace the incredible life that lays before you. We want to help you in that mission.
An amazing part of that mission is recognizing that YOU are not the only unique human being there is! Every person, no matter his or her seeming insignificance, is indeed significant. America's Founders were saying exactly that. The government cannot and should not be controlling who's lives are deemed worthy of protection. And it is for precisely that reason that they established a government and the guidelines for society that would honor each human life.
The threat to our society is very real. The dismissal of the right to Life of another human being brings dramatic consequences, not only for that life, but for the society that authorizes their dismissal.
Commissioner Brian Johnston examines, along with various guests and experts, how the dismissal of the legal right to life has impacted the nature of the law, the practice of medicine, ethics, the arts, and personal relationships. With constant reminders of how a culture of life invigorates and ennobles the human experience, Johnston and his guests give positive answers and access to numerous available resources.
LIFE MATTERS is heard on radio Stations throughout California as well as now in several other states. In addition, it is streamed on many different 'radio app' servers and and networks as well as it's own subscription podcast, available through all podcast delivery channels (Apple iTunes, Libsyn, Soundcloud, GooglePlay, Facebook, Twitter, Stitcher, etc)
Have you heard the most recent program?
Listen to Life Matters here: www.lifematters.life
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