Serena Chavez's Fundraiser

We can Enforce the Born-alive Infant Protection Act in California!
Join me and help make a difference, please give today.
The major media distorts the issue of abortion. They pretend that they only happen 'very early', and therefore many people believe that. But each child who dies in an abortion is alive in his or her mother’s womb. Every organ is present.
As a young woman in my early 19-21 years of age, I fell for the lie of the abortion industry, resulting in the death of 2 babies. Little did I know that not only would I face tremendous pain & heartbreak but they also would experience this horrible pain. My life would then lead a destructive drug infused path. To numb all my pain and heartache. Thankful to have met God and surrender my pain, guilt, shame and hurt. The abortion industry will not ever tell you or show you, YOUR beautiful baby in your womb, they call it a “lump of cells” this is far from what is created by God.
We must make known the facts about these growing children, some big enough to hold in your arms. We must break through the fog of our culture! We must stand for the truth. We must stand for innocent lives. Whether you’ve been a product of the abortion industry and didn’t know because you also fell for the “trap” but now you do know the truth or whether you’ve never even thought about this issue. Now is the time! It’s a major issue.
Join me in supporting REAL change. Most Americans and even most Californians do NOT support late-term abortions. Help us protect these vulnerable children, and bring awareness of the extent of abortion in this state.
Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound, but where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. Romans 5:20
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for California ProLife!
Thank you for your commitment to Life!