Help us get enforcement of the Born-alive Infant Protection Act in California.
Start a fundraiser to help others see the child! Help protect children in California today!
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California has the highest abortion rate in the nation and and yet is unmonitored and essentially unregulated!
Medi-Cal has declared that all abortion services in California are eligible for state-government funding, regardless of gestational age! Under the Jerry Brown administration all previous regulations of abortion have been removed. (AB 980, 2013). Animal veterinary clinics now have more comprehensive regulations than abortion centers. The Alan Guttmacher Institute has declared California has no major regulations regarding abortions - EVEN LATE-TERM. (Guttmacher Fact Sheet, 2018)
Nevertheless we have a law passed in 1995 (Health and Safety Code 123435) that requires if a child is born alive in the course of an abortion, the child must receive the care offered a child born in a live birth. However, since there are no longer any regulations or oversight of the abortion industry, this provision regarding children born alive in abortion, has not and cannot be enforced!
The law of California recognizes the life of these children, we must fight for its enforcement!
Join us as we gather the legal team and investigative efforts to ensure that children born alive in California's late-term abortions are indeed protected!
We are asking a few of our key partners to rally their friends, family, and networks to support our work. By becoming a fundraiser and "Eye-opener" for California Pro-Life, you will help more Late-term children in California, and you'll help your friends truly understand the evil ideology behind the abortion mentality.
Starting a fundraiser is easy to do, and it's fun. We'll even give you all the tools you'll need to make a difference. With your help we can ensure Protection of these vulnerable children, awareness of the extent of abortion in our state..
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